نقل عفش داخل وخارج المملكة مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف والضمان
بأيدى فنيين محترفين وعمال مهرة وسيارات حديثة
تخزين الأثاث والبضائع بمستودعات مؤمنة
نقل من الرياض إلى جميع مدن المملكة
*تأمين حافظات كرتونية .
*تأمين بلاستيك لتغليف الأثاث .
*تأمين بلاستيك الفقاعات لتغليف الزجاجيات والأشياء الحساسة .
*تأمين فنيين فك وتركيب الأثاث .
*نقل الأثاث بسيارات مغلقة (كونتنر7م) للحفاظ على الأثاث
نقل الأثاث من وإلى جميع أحياء الرياض
خدمة الشحن من وإلى جميع مدن المملكة بسيارات حديثة من الباب إلى الباب
نقل الى جميع دول العالم خاصة ( دول الخليج العربى ) و ( دول الشام ) ومصر
مع خدمات الشحن الدولية براً وبحراً وجواً
نصلك اينما كنت فى الوقت المحدد
ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Best transportation company in Kuwait with the jaw, installation,
packaging and security in the hands of professional technicians and
skilled workers modern furniture store, cars and cargo warehouses
secured insurance portfolios cartoon - Secure Plastic Packaging
Furniture Plastic halls insurance for packing glass and things sensitive
insurance technicians removal and installation and packaging of baggage
to and from all areas of Kuwait
DistinctivenessIn PunctualityHard workOne of the first steps you care about global company is dismantling furniture in preparation for packaging and transportation, and step disassembly despite the ease, however, that this task need to specialists, decoding Furniture his standard methods are not scratched or exposed to bend or warp when Reactive furniture in the new home, unpack The master bedroom and decryption kids bedroom Untangle all the curtains at home, unpack all the air conditioners and the installation of air conditioning nets only and we disassemble and move the air conditioner Sblt only needs air Sblt to the company for the combination, all kitchens Alumital decoding and installed again with the amendment Alumital in the new Alambtkh, and we have in Worldwide coach a team with a long experience in how to decode Furniture
DistinctivenessIn PunctualityHard workOne of the first steps you care about global company is dismantling furniture in preparation for packaging and transportation, and step disassembly despite the ease, however, that this task need to specialists, decoding Furniture his standard methods are not scratched or exposed to bend or warp when Reactive furniture in the new home, unpack The master bedroom and decryption kids bedroom Untangle all the curtains at home, unpack all the air conditioners and the installation of air conditioning nets only and we disassemble and move the air conditioner Sblt only needs air Sblt to the company for the combination, all kitchens Alumital decoding and installed again with the amendment Alumital in the new Alambtkh, and we have in Worldwide coach a team with a long experience in how to decode Furniture
Dedication to work
Secretariat work
Set us apart is our experience between people and companies
Just contact us and take of our valued customers and enjoy our services Kar_khas transportation and relocation company in Kuwait
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